A guide to learning a new language using Netflix!


Man watching Netflix.

Hey Reader,

Today we’re talking about making the most out of Netflix and YouTube in order to meet your language learning goals! It’s really important to mix what makes you happy + achieve your goals together so that the whole process is fun and exciting to look forward to!

A big thank you to our student — Aarini for telling us about this so that we could share it with you too!

Step 1 : Head over to the Google Chrome Extensions Icon at the top right of your screen — in the shape of a puzzle piece!

Step 2 : Click on ‘Manage Extensions’ which would take you to the web page which shows your already installed extensions.

Step 3 : Click on the ‘Main Menu’ icon and visit the ‘Chrome Web store.’

Step 4 : In the search box enter : Language Learning with Netflix offered by Dioco. ( available on iOS and Mac and Windows )

Step 5 : Click on the result and select ‘Add to Chrome.’

Step 6 : A notification appears which shows you what access the extension gets once added to Chrome. Click on ‘Add Extension’ and let it run.

Step 7 : Head over to Netflix and check out your newly installed Extension! The extension shows up when you are watching any show/movie so select your favorite one, set it to the language of your choice ( French, German, Spanish, Korean, English — in our case! ) and let’s get learning!

Making learning fun is one of the things we love to do and this extension is our go-to for really making the most out of entertainment! Just cause binge- watching ‘Friends’ or ‘Brooklyn 99’ makes you feel guilty — here’s a trick to make better use of your time without the guilt trip!

Happy Learning!

By Neeva Phatarphekar.

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Neeva's Classes for Languages and Performing Arts
Neeva's Classes for Languages and Performing Arts

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