5 reasons learning Music makes your Life better.
Music is a very specific language, the only universal language. If you are from France, India, Congo or from a small island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean: you will still understand its message! Music is everywhere and in everything, when you go shopping you hear the music played by the store to help you relax and buy more, when you are travelling, music is heard on the speakers…
Sometimes, it is good to be reminded why you should learn an instrument and how music can change your life.
First of all, Music is beautiful. The majesty of a violin hitting high notes or the amazing local choir able to sound harmonious with five different voices and one hundred people. You know how beautiful it is and how it soothes your soul by its beauty.
It helps you to get through a tough day and to keep smiling. It gives you motivation and helps rest your brain when you feel overwhelmed by work. Beauty can be a real help during times of desperation, especially right now.
Music is a universal way to express yourself and to communicate your feelings when words can’t.
We have all found ourselves crying over a song with such a strong emotion that you feel exactly what the singer felt. We notice it more easily with a song about sadness, breakups but it also applies to a song about happiness, the ones you dance on. So, it is a way for the author to express feelings more deeply than what he was able to do with simple words.
The best example for this is music in films: a horror-movie is easier to watch without the music which builds that tension. Battles and war scenes wouldn’t be as impressive in films without the epic music over it. Music accentuates feelings!
Finally, it is also a great help to communicate for people with disabilities (Autism, Down Syndrome). It is sometimes hard to find words when what we feel inside is so pressing. Therefore, it is often used as a therapy and helps to grow, to heal after a traumatic experience and to communicate. In France we have “music-o-therapy” for premature babies in hospital and a lot of studies have shown the calming and healing effects of music over them. You can’t deny its power.
Of course, learning music is a great plus for your culture. There are some classics you will hear all around the world, but not only in classical music, in parties there are always the same few songs. This applies to a boot camp or to sleep-over summer parties, if you learn to play the guitar and a couple songs, it is the beginning of a great evening down memory lane.
For classical music, we would recommend you The Five Seasons of Vivaldi, a true classical piece that illustrates the beauty of music by being so deep, you can never get bored of listening to it!
Learning music brings about your personal development as you will develop a totally new intelligence. Being able to read a partition full of signs that seems at first meaningless will develop your focus, imagination and memory. Later, it will be a great asset, you have an ability to think outside the box and distinguish yourself from people. Studies have shown that children initiated to music between three and six years old develop the capacities to understand and acquire language more easily. (by the Northwestern University of Chicago)
Musical organizations developed in sensitive neighborhoods have proved that musical education helps to succeed in school and to access to college as music help to understand and analyses faster. (If you want to know more you can look to the Harmony Project)
Around 80% of the population listen daily to music, but you can easily go further than that and learn how to play it. After that you will understand better what a harmony is and at some point, recognize notes of your instrument in songs. This shows that when you practice an instrument you will inevitably become better at it and it will expand over to music in general and will even make it way easier to learn a new instrument.
To end this article, we wanted to remind you that if music is everywhere it is also in silence and calm. Don’t forget to listen to the sound of the birds chirping around you and to take some time off. Sometimes silence is the best music!
We hope you were motivated by this article and finally decided to start an instrument ! Tell us what difference you see in your life after starting to learn music!
By Claire Bty